Football clubs discover the blockchain

Good news for all football and crypto lovers. Clubs, including Paris Saint Germain and Juventus, have announced the launch of their own digital coin (Fan Token). A blockchain-based coin, intended for the supporters. Officially to strengthen the bond with the supporter. That is wonderful. But honestly, the main reason for issuing a private coin is […]

Blockchain, future of insurance

Blockchain toekomst van de schadeverzekering

Blockchain, future of insurance? How? The purpose of non-life insurance is to indemnify an insured person after the occurrence of an insured risk. No more and no less. You insure an object against damage, it gets damaged and this will or will not be determined. The damage will be stopped under the conditions and payment […]

Real estate for everybody

Real estate for everybody

Real Estate for Everybody You sure noticed it. Last year, the savings rate halved. Savers received on average only about 0.5% interest. And the future does not look good in this area. With these low interest rates, everyone looks for alternatives to the “trusted” savings account. But are there any? Is real estate a possibility? […]

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)


Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Decentralized Finance (DeFi). The buzzword of 2020. Interest in so-called decentralized finance is growing exponentially. Is that justified or is it the next bubble in blockchain land after the ICO hype of 2017? You may have heard about it already. In short, it is the delivery of financial products using decentralized technology. […]

We have a Rembrandt!

Rembrandt and non fungible tokens - DecenterX

We have a Rembrandt! We are again a real Rembrandt richer! The Netherlands will become the owner of the canvas ‘the standard bearer’ for 175 million. It is paid by the government for the most part from the reserves (by you and myself). In addition to collective pride in owning one of the world’s most […]

Real estate for everybody

You sure noticed it. Last year, the savings rate halved. Savers received on average only about 0.5% interest. And the future does not look good in this area. With these low interest rates, everyone looks for alternatives to the “trusted” savings account. But are there any? Is real estate a possibility? Real estate Investing in […]

Blockchain, future of insurance

Blockchain, future of insurance? How? The purpose of non-life insurance is to indemnify an insured person after the occurrence of an insured risk. No more and no less. You insure an object against damage, it gets damaged and this will or will not be determined. The damage will be stopped under the conditions and payment […]

How far along are we really with Blockchain?

With great regularity the ‘B’-word falls. Blockchain, the technology under bitcoin and the technology under many good (and less good) innovative ideas. There has been an interesting pattern to discover in the media for years. Promising technology news is almost immediately followed by relativizing reflections. Something we always see when adopting new technology. Beautiful, sometimes […]

Earn money with social media?

All social media companies today are looking at blockchain technology. This week, “LINE“, one of the world’s most popular message apps with more than 200 million active users, came out with important blockchain news. In the short term, they plan to reward users with digital coins for using their app. So the more you app, […]

Loyalty in the blockchain

Save seals. Our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents did it. And, maybe you do it yourself as well. At Douwe Egberts they call it reward points.  And ‘value’ is what it’s all about. Added value. For the producer the loyalty of customers has value, for the consumer the reward has value. And, no matter how simple […]